#2: Don't Die with Your Music Still in You
This is not really a secret, per se, because I've seen it packaged as "Live life to the fullest" or "Take risks" or "Don't live a life of regret".
However, it's a piece of sage advice that particularly resonates with me and this hefty career change I'm making. It also struck a chord with Brent, who is in that process of searching for his music as well.
Dyer begins this section with a bit of discussion about the left brain (the analytical) and the right brain (the creative). He says, "listen to your right brain, it will lead you to your passion." Your right brain is the little voice that encourages you to take risks, to jump, to go for it...but that voice is often squashed by the sensibilities of your left brain. Dyer prompts us to listen to that right brain voice more often.
We all have special work to do in this life...there is special music playing within us, and that particular point reminds of Socrates's words: "Don't live an unexamined life."
Other key insights:
1. Love and respect yourself when you follow the beat of a different drummer. I am strongly reminded of Dr. Seuss's words: "Be yourself, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
2. Ask yourself: what is the worst that can happen? (Anytime you take a risk, that is)
3. We are afraid of failure, but failure is only an illusion. Everything we do produces a result, and everything we do can be learned from...thus, it isn't a failure at all.
4. Be enthusiastic. Laugh at yourself.
I feel pretty lucky, because I think I've found my "thing"...the thing I'm meant to do while I'm living this life. And I'm listening to my right brain (have been for awhile, I think), and pursuing my dream. My husband's dream is a bit more complicated, though. He would need to change jobs as well to fulfill his dream...and that's not really a good idea right now (with me going back to school). Perhaps, he will need to chase his dream less ardently? Or a couple years from now?
Dr. Dyer makes an exceptional point in this section; however, there must be a balance between risk and prudence. As might be the case for our family right now.
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