To know more about the meaning about the acronym and phrase above, see this post here.
I have struggled mightily with this concept in the last several days.
First, I frequently have let others frustrate me. And then, I'm like an egg...once I become cracked, even a very little bit, my fragility skyrockets.
Consequently, I've indulged in a little self-scourging because of the above behavior. I know my happiness does not depend on what others do or don't do; I mean, I can't control them...but recently, I've also felt like I can't control my own reaction to them either. And I've really hated feeling this I'm solely sustained by other people, instead of being my own independent person.
So. Today was a bit of a breaking point. I'm thankful that I know people who remind me to step back, rethink, and let it go.
Anyone who spends a fair amount of time here knows how much I love my quotes. So, I'll chuck two up here (probably been used before) that seem to encapsulate a new WYWH mindset.
From Dr. Seuss:
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
From Eleanor Roosevelt:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."*
I'm not going to give my consent anymore when it comes to letting others make me feel inferior. And, I'm going to do what I always do, without any expectation of response, action, or acceptance from somebody else...unless they matter.
(*a website called claims this quote cannot be traced to Roosevelt, with research to prove it. But, the website is maintained by a Garson O'Toole, who has a PhD from Yale in Computer Science. According to the website's "About" section, Dr. O'Toole "diligently seeks the truth about quotations." Remember - anyone can say anything out here on the caveat researcher. Let the researcher beware.)
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