08 April 2012

An Extraordinary Easter

I honestly can't remember the last Easter I had that was so terribly satisfying as today's.

Does that sound sacreligious at all?  I'm sure it does.  And it'll sound even moreso when I mentioned this particular Sunday did not involve Jesus Christ at all.

The day began for me at 6:40 a.m....when I woke up (the first time).  Usually, once I wake, I'm up for the day.  But, today, I managed to fall back asleep until 9:00 a.m...arising *after* my husband for the first time in A LONG time.  With me just waking up, the foreign exchange student still in bed, and everyone else still in their pajamas - and with our church's Easter service beginning at 9:30, it's obvious we won't be attending it today.

So, Plan B.

After a trip to the grocery store for the week, we packed a picnic lunch and headed off to the park.  Once we'd feasted on cheese, summer sausage, crackers, fruit and carrots, Brent and I hid the plastic Easter eggs we'd brought with us (filled with money and jelly beans).  Then, we watched as the kids (even the 15-year-old South Korean on his first Easter egg hunt ever) scampered in the sunshine to collect their eggs.

Then, it was time to return home and tackle some of the yardwork chores that have been piling up the last few months.  The kids were resistant at first, but they soon were helping out with the raking of many, many layers of fallen leaves, sawing of dead, in-the-way branches, and toting the brush to the truck.  After two hours, I could notice a definite improvement in the way our yard looks!

While my daughter worked on a school project, the boys (including Brent) sat down to play a board game while I did my most favorite thing - work in the kitchen.  I spent an hour and a half preparing this meal:

Fresh sourdough bread, green beans amandine, apricot-glazed ham, mashed potatoes

And, because I had the spare time:

Zucchini cake with a light vanilla glaze

My heart, head, and stomach are content and peaceful tonight.  Bright blessings to you all!

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