14 August 2011

And Away We Go!

I use this metaphor every year at the beginning of a new school year: the roller coaster.  The jangling anticipation as you sit at the crest of the highest hill, waiting for the breathless descent to carry you, screaming, into the unknown.  The coaster zips you through ups and downs, until finally, you arrive, breathless again at the end.  And you wonder where the time went and how it could have gone so fast.

This family is sitting at that high point right now, waiting for the ride to painstakingly inch downward until it accelerates madly.

Spencer starts school tomorrow.  Kirby and Elliot start school a week from tomorrow.  Our foreign exchange student arrives Thursday.

It is the deep breath before the plunge.

If you would like, you are welcome to follow along with Spencer's school year...here at his blog Spencer's Homeschool Year.  It is posted through my account here at blogspot, but will be written and edited by Spencer himself.  He will be discussing the trials and tribulations of his unique year of education.

A happy week to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I shall look forward to reading about Spencer's Homeschool Year.

    As to the roller coaster experience, I had enough of that last week in the stock market.
