It's nearly November.
And that means:
NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth
50,000 words = 30 days.
I will try to update here when I can, but for now, wish me luck...I am nervous for several reasons:
1. This is an idea that came to me as I was reading the bio of Ben Franklin. That means there's not been much time to research. And there's quite a bit of research.
2. In general, I know how I want the novel to end. And that is about it. Eeek.
3. I'm writing in a couple of genres I've never been in before: historical fiction and young adult.
4. It's utterly possible that I might be called upon to write some teen romance scenes (nothing explicit)...and that is something I don't think my brain is geared towards at all. (Now, erotica...that I could probably pull off)
So. Here's to a happy novelistic November!
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