29 December 2009

Vegas Recap

In lieu of a crapload of gifts, stuff, and toys, we decided to treat ourselves (as a family) to a little getaway trip. Destination? Vegas.

We were there two days and three nights. Here's the summary:
(Numbers are all rough estimates)

50: Escalators ridden
10: Moving sidewalks ridden
1149: Feet in the air above LV (on the Stratosphere Tower Observation Deck)
5: Near-vertigo attack (or, at least, near vomiting)
1: Old couple seen in matching track suits
5: Partially naked live women seen by my ten-year-old son
9: Modes of transportation taken (foot, taxi, plane, bus, minivan, escalator, elevator, inclinator, moving walkway)
3: Mimosas drank at Saturday's Champagne Brunch at the Luxor
25+: Number of provocative posters seen by family
5: Homeless persons passed
2: French desserts consumed (eclair and some french chocolate flower-thing)
$$$$$$: Money spent on food
Countless: Women seen wearing tight leggings/jean and boots combo
12.99: Price per pound of M&Ms at M&M World

Other mentionable moments:

Best Christmas Decorations: The Conservatory at Bellagio

Heather's Dream Shower: Our room - the Luxor Hotel

Weirdest Dressed Couple in Vegas: Typical nice-looking elderly woman (black, elegant, classy) and her date, who had on an argyle sweater and sweatpants

Best Thing: Going to a great steakhouse and great show (cheaply!) with a family friend on our last night there

Coolest Set of Stairs: Pink Shale Mosaic at the new City Center

You should all go. Yes, it well deserves the name "Sin City", but really, you should still go.

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