My god, it has been a week and a half since my last blog post. That is completely unacceptable!
Therefore, I will now deliver forty lashes to myself in chastisement. However, since I don't have access to a leather belt, cat o'nine tails, or bullwhip, I will have to use my computer charging cord. Let me reassure you, it is wire encased in plastic and has a little magnetic nub on the end which will, no doubt, leave serious welts.
I humbly prostate myself and beg your forgiveness for my sloth.
Anyway, there's been a lot going on around here. The weather is finally starting to look up. We have temps in the high thirties, bright sunshine, and bluey-blue skies. That in and of itself is a definite spirit-lifter. Then, the university I teach at is on Spring Break, so I have been the beneficiary of a shorter-than-usual workday and long, leisurely afternoons. Of course, this is tempered with the fact that I have a lot of grading to do. You take the good, you take the bad...
My exercise routine is becoming well-established and my diet is going along decent lines. In general, I am feeling better and am looking forward to better days...
And to end on an up note: My husband is taking me to see The Black Eyed Peas later on this month - and those tickets came in the mail this morning. Also, one of our favorite brands of local wine was on sale today as well. is good! I am on top!
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