20 August 2012

Amid the Haste and Noise

Well.  I've just sent my kids off to their first day of school, and now there's a niggling little voice just behind my right shoulder that is trying to guilt me into updating this blog...so, here I sit.  But, I have nothing terribly groundbreaking or even interesting to say.

Tell them about your summer, then.  Recap, says the subconscious mouthpiece.

Cripes, I reply.  That'll sound trite.  Not to mention lame.

There's no response.  Just a insouciant shrug.


I suppose now, after sharing the above psychologically unsettling conversation with you, I've lost all credibility.  And I suppose that further means that, really, I'm at liberty to talk about what I want.

A summer summary, then.

1. I did not anticipate wanting to get (and then getting) a part-time job.
2. I did not anticipate having to spend a small fortune on clothing for school (chef-related, that is).
3. I did not anticipate being so....so anxious for the start of my new career adventure.
4. I did not anticipate spending so much time this summer discussing my children, money, and jobs with my husband...which is what perhaps adds to the anxiety mentioned in #3.
5. I did not anticipate signing up to run a 5k in October.
6. I did not anticipate beginning to train for said 5k in July.
7. I did not anticipate feeling so weird to not be reporting to an educational institution for work.

Even though I did not anticipate any of these, they happened anyway...which just goes to show that no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should (Thanks, Mr. Ehrmann).  Doors are opening, doors are closing, decisions are being made, and things are working out as they should.