20 May 2012

Shameless Plug

My apologies for not posting here sooner.  School is out for me, and I've been finishing various long-waiting tasks.

Which reminds me...

My NaNoWriMo novel from 2009 - My Father's Daughter - has become available (like, today!) at Smashwords

It's a relief to finally have it converted.  Now...onto to other things!  This summer looks to be promising.  Our FES goes home in about two and a half weeks, and there will be some room shuffling that ensues after his departure.

Then, I've purchased a four-week unit study curriculum on the Olympics that I'll start with the kids in June.  Even though Spencer will go back to public school next year, I see no reason why all my kids can't spend some of their summer learning!

As for myself, I plan to read as much of the works of Mark Twain that I can.  I suspect my NaNo 2012 novel will have something to do with him.

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